Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Another reason bash kicks ass

Okay, so - BASH kicks ass.  I just discovered (thanks to my buddy Aaron) a new keyboard shortcut.  I often find myself writing, at times, rather lengthy One-Liners.  Sometimes involving if statements and nested loops.  Trying to write this out on a single line is very doable, but, sometimes it needs a little better formatting.  So - create a script, then run it, and then delete it right?  Yes, and bash will do that part for you.

Press:  CTRL+X, then CTRL+E - suddenly you will find yourself in the magical world of your favorite editor, in my case, Vim.  Write your program - you do not need to place a #!/usr/bin/env bash at the top.  Just start writing.  Then write, and exit - as soon as the editor program exits, your script is run.  Basically what is happening is bash is opening a temporary file (like /tmp/bash-fc-147738968), marking it executable, running it on close of the editor, and then deleting it when done.